Sheer seduction

Sheer seduction

Sheer seduction

If one had to find a synonym for Allmilmö, it would definitely be elegance. Up to the minute, even ahead of fads and fashions, hi-tech of course, but above all, elegant. Take “Interstreamline” (photo) : refined curves, grooving for drawers in the low-level elements, translucid glass… In brilliantly-lacquered, aluminium-tinted oak veneer, “Tip Tec” has no handles. Ditto for “Linea” : pure lines with handles integrated into the structure. Allmilmö gives kitchens forms, functions, elegance and refinement, all in contemporary and custom-made layouts. The designers anticipate changes, aware that kitchens must be both attractive and practical. Opening up to the rest of the home, they play their part in overall decor.